Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Can I say thank you...

Where do I begin..well I officially sent my last four essays a few hours ago and I am done with school for the 2010 year.

I had a blast this semester, with of course some minor difficulties with people around me. I also met some amazing people! Some not so much and sadly those few will be around, but I have to go with the flow and remember I am better then what they may think.

This semester couldn't have worked out with the support of my family and close friends I have in my life and well you guys should know who you are.

Some of you, I just grew attached to this semester and I am so thankful that you guys were here for me during my rough patches, whether it was school or personal you stuck by through thick and thin. We had so many laughs and shed a few tears, but true friends always stay together.

I know at times we might have annoyed each other, but we let it go and worked things out.

I truly believe I grew up this semester (besides the certain days in the newsroom) I had emotions that I haven't had in a long time, I found myself drawing conclusion about things I knew, and I learned to let go when the time wasn't right.

I will miss those of you, who will not be back next semester, but I know we will stay in touch and those that I will see, lets make our last semester memorable. And for those of you not graduating next semester I will make sure you will miss me when I leave LOL..

Again thank you, my rocks in my life and my mentors in some way.

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